I'm not the kind of person who can just 'walk for exercise'. So I started taking my digital camera with me to document every day life wherever I am meandering.
I see the city has been busy using sandblasting to remove grafitti from brick walls, sidewalks, and even a palm tree. I had to keep a sharp eye out because that loose sand makes the sidewalks slippery. The daffodils are starting to bloom, as well as the ornamental cherries and the redbud tree.
I took this yesterday during high winds. Today's walk was postponed due to rain.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I never noticed this moss before today even though I've walked by this tree a dozen times.
An American icon with international signage is a good example of the local ethnic diversity. This was a delivery truck making it's morning rounds at the local restaurants.
I do this type of photography like people play golf...I shoot it where it lies. I leave it just as I found it. More new graffiti.
I figured I better get my walk in between storms. Here is some beautiful striped eucalyptus bark. I took botany in college and just can't resist photographing good bark.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Perhaps a primrose.
I spotted this car missing 1 front tire and having 3 funny tires on the other wheels.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
New graffiti in the alley.
Two strays with no collars or tags. Sure hope they find their way back home.
True love?
Last night's smoky sunset.
Monday, February 06, 2006
When I went outside this morning, the air had a yellow glow. So I figured there was a fire somewhere nearby. I walked back in and the news showed the Corona fire, so I'm pretty sure that is where the smoke is from. Corona is about a 30 min. freeway drive from here.
Foam animals for the 3D traditional archery shoot.
The big guy.
Tapo Campground bow making workshop.
Tapo Campground.After the fire a few years ago, a lot of baby trees have sprouted.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Snoopy getting ready for Valentine's Day.
Everytime this fence is fixed, someone breaks it down again. This has been going on for years.
Considerate comments that are on topic are always welcome and appreciated.
If you are interested in buying my art, please speak up. I can only list so many things, so I'd rather have your request than guess what you might want.
I have 5 Etsy shops and also sell on Zazzle & Cafe Press and some other sites. Not all the shops are full all the time, so give me a heads up if you are looking for something.
Thanks. Please follow, comment and tell people I'm here.